onsdag 14. oktober 2009

“9/11 a day we will never forget, the story of the people”

We all know what happened 9/11 2001. On the morning of September 11th, 19 Al-Quaida terrorists hijacked four jet airliners. Two of the airliners were intentionally crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing everybody on board and many others working in the buildings. The buildings collapsed within two hours. The third airliner was crashed into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. There were no survivors from any of the flights. 2 993 people with each of their own history died from the attacks, leaving America in great sorrow and fear.

They say everybody remember what they were doing that day, and I do to. I remember going home from school, only 10 years old, and I had no clue on what had happened. When I came into the kitchen, my mom and dad was watching CNN and there it was. I could see the Twin Towers burning, and then one of them collapsed. I didn't quite understand what was going on and I remember my dad being very serious when he explained it to me, but I couldn't wrap my head around it. I didn't even know what a terrorist or the World Trade Center was. But I understood that something sad had happened.

A lot of things changed in USA after 9/11. People was now scared and didn't want to fly, and extreme security started checking everything at the airport. It also made racism presentable, making everybody causious. September 11 affected people in a personal way; the destruction of the city and the loss of thousands of people.

4 kommentarer:

  1. I still remember this happening. I was going to watch baywatch, but when i turned on the tv i saw a big plain in a building on nrk1. first i thought it was a movie, because it was such a strange sight, but when i got the story i don't really think i understood how serious and life ruining this was.

  2. Very well written! You have also chosen good pictures to illustrate. The text is very informative and easy to read which makes it exciting.

    I remember we had a minute of silence in class, to honor those who lost their lives. I didn't quite understand it all.

    Do you remember what you did that day?

  3. Thank you Kaja ( :

    I remember coming home from school without knowing anything about what had happened, and then I saw the plane crashing in one of the towers on CNN, but I didn't understand it all like you ;)

  4. Yeah, I remember that day it seems like everybody was just getting out of school! but It was tragic those pilots destroyed a great piece of the town and took many loved ones away from their families. I'm glad we still recognize those who lost their lives that day.

